Align Talent-Driven Leadership, Teamwork, and Technology

to Effortlessly Boost Your Personal and Professional Success!

'No manager achieves their goals with an unmotivated, poorly functioning team that leaves their information technology unused.'

Become the proud leader of a self-managing, talent-driven team, with a sustainably successful future thanks to the S.U.C.C.E.SS. Method.

The key to success lies in seamlessly aligning everyone's talents with the technology being used. This proven systemic strategic approach offers you a completely simple and solid step-by-step plan towards greater enjoyment and top performance. It fully unlocks the hidden potential of you, your team, and your business.


Transformational Leadership Coach
Business Alignment Mentor
Strategic Information Manager

Are you, as a manager, experiencing one or more of the following challenges?

Team Dynamics
Is collaboration within your team hindered by friction, poor communication, or a silo mentality, resulting in increasing absenteeism and the departure of skilled employees?
Are ineffective information systems or outdated software hindering performance and productivity? Are you experiencing resistance to change within your team because they no longer want to embrace digital innovations?
Do you experience frustration in motivating your team to meet tight deadlines, especially when some team members require significant guidance to reach their potential?
Are you at risk of losing oversight and control amidst high work pressure and numerous complex issues? All while technological changes are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace.
Are you struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance because you're always firefighting to hit business targets, and finding yourself getting home later and later?
Are you being asked to do more with less in an ever-shrinking timeframe, while the workload is through the roof and team morale has hit rock bottom?
Do you feel like you're stuck in a downward spiral?

I get you

Fortunately, there is a solution
Claim your free strategy call now and discover how, using the S.U.C.C.E.SS. Strategy, you can create a happy team and a thriving business operation within 3 to 6 months, while improving your results by as much as 72%.

What others are saying

Ellen is one of the few Information Managers who looks beyond just Information Provision and ICT, also focusing on the organization as a whole. This is not only beneficial but adds tremendous value, because organizational alignment is crucial as well. What could be better than having all that knowledge and experience embodied in one person?

M. Misset
Data- en BI-analist Ambulance Service Gelderland Midden, Veiligheids- & Gezondheidsregio Gelderland Midden (NL).

Ellen is capable of successfully completing a highly complex project within an organization where collaboration is minimal or non-existent. By building relationships, she manages to break down barriers and dissolve the 'us-versus-them' culture. With such results, a municipality can truly move forward. You'd be crazy not to work with her!
W.J. van Tilborg
Board Member & Management Team Member
 Gemeente Zundert (NL)

Alignment on three levels is key

What do the numbers say?

It’s proven: When you foster close collaboration among existing Talent in an organization and combine it with a forward-thinking Information Technologie Strategy aligned with a promising future outlook, the following indicators skyrocket.

Research figures from a study by Gallup (UK) have shown that workplace
pleasure increases by more than 50%, performance by nearly 60%, and productivity by an impressive 72%.
And there’s more: Such alignment reduces absenteeism by 21% and employee turnover by 12%.

These results are achieved with the S.U.C.C.E.SS. Strategy, which brings alignment on three levels:
Individually and collectively, within both the team and the organization as a whole.

What others are also saying

Ellen was able to transform the project team by leveraging everyone’s individual talents. This led to the successful completion of the highly complex project within the set deadlines.

Along the way, she freed me from the stigmatizing 'DISC label' I had been carrying, which had been weighing me down.

B. Buitenhuis
Project member & Information Manager Gemeente Almere

Incredible how Ellen manages to restore the balance between people and technology during a technical project involving all the Drechtsteden municipalities.

All this while the cultures and technological histories of the seven organizations differ greatly from one another.

G.J. de Goede
Board Member Drechtsteden & Managent Team Member Gemeente Papendrecht

Who am I?

Passionate Professional

I am Ellen Loopstra, and I am passionate and specialized in uniting talents, teams, and technology for personal and business success. With my expertise in leadership, change, (team) behavior, and information technology, I coach and guide professionals through business ICT transformations.

People-First Approach
My approach, the S.U.C.C.E.S. Strategy, doesn’t place 'technology' as the ultimate goal but prioritizes 'people.' This proven approach focuses on developing leadership to increase enjoyment, improve performance, and enhance results by fully leveraging each individual’s talents, effectively supported by information technology.

Versatile Connector
I am a versatile connector, able to bring together what seems incompatible, build trust, and offer pragmatic solutions aligned with the common goal. I am known for being no-nonsense, sharp, and decisive, while at the same time, I apply all my creativity with empathy and engagement.

Help to Transform
As a graduate in Physical Geography, specialized in Landscape Change Science, I have built over 30 years of expertise in Geo Information & Communication Technology. Throughout the years, I have held various management roles and helped transform numerous organizational, information, and application landscapes.

Leading Names

I have worked in and collaborated with leading commercial organizations such as Capgemini, PwC, Esri, Movares, Geodan, Arcadis, NS, Twijnstra & Gudde, as well as governments including municipalities, provinces, water boards, and safety regions. Numerous entrepreneurs have also sought my expertise to streamline and accelerate their businesses.

My mission is to inspire at least one million professionals worldwide to effortlessly make a difference using their unique talents. With my co-authorship of the international bestseller The Law of Brand Attraction, I have already taken the first step.

'Effortlessly Successful' is my motto. Discover the methodology during the Free Masterclass. 

Bestseller 'The Law of Brand Attraction'

Ellen is a dedicated, enthusiastic, and inspiring woman who knows, both from personal experience and her profession, that life and work cannot be separated. She skillfully harmonizes practical action with inner experience, acknowledging how things affect you, which taps into your collective potential. She creatively commits herself to touching you in some way and guiding you toward your untapped abilities.

R. Rosenboom en L. Opheij
Springteam Trainers Atelier (Nobco approved)

Create opportunities for
more harmony
and top performance
in your team

What if you could create an environment where everyone works with enthusiasm, where talents flourish, and information technology becomes a support rather than a challenge? How would that impact you and your team? Ellen holds the key to transforming your team into a powerful, well-oiled machine where everyone effortlessly achieves their goals. This isn’t just talk—it’s the key to unlocking your future success.

Don't miss it. 

Take action NOW and watch as harmony, efficiency, and unprecedented results become the new norm for your team.

What others are also saying

In her own unique, sometimes playful way, Ellen achieves results in change processes. She activates participants' creativity, using it to identify problems, bottlenecks, as well as the solutions that are widely supported. The combination of traditional change management and a touch of artistry defines her successful approach.

J Bijsmans
Information Manager & Director Bijsmans Management en Advice BV (NL)

There was a sense of insecurity, and people were no longer working together. Ellen transformed my team in no time and made it possible for me to get back to doing what I love most: managing!

P. van Hegelsom
Education Manager Regional Education and Training Center West Brabant (NL)

Ellen is unique—a rare combination of vision alongside factual knowledge and experience.

D. Beukers
Program Manager Regional Water Authority De Stichtse Rijnlanden (NL)

By encouraging the team to surpass themselves, Ellen managed to deliver all datasets by the very tight deadline, and we outperformed the larger companies.

I. Vromen
MT-Lid Het Gegevenshuis (Municipal Data Center) (NL)

Ellen carried out her duties as project leader within an overly large and diverse multidisciplinary project team, where everyone—like the entire department—had been following their own agenda for years, and work was often done without much enjoyment even before she arrived. Steering a course and collaborating were therefore extremely difficult. Thanks to her tremendous dedication, not only did the project succeed, but a cultural shift also occurred, and mutual trust improved.

R. Remmerts
Project Member Province Gelderland & Consultant Antea (Government NL)

The way Ellen approaches Information Management is exactly right. She doesn’t just look at the human side, as HRM does, nor does she focus solely on the instrumental side, as we often see in ICT. She guides people, bringing them to the right place with the right energy and fostering connections. She positively rekindles the challenging collaborations and gets them moving again.

A. Willemsen
Enterprise en Information Architect, Veiligheids- en Gezondheidsregio Gelderland Midden (Safety and Heatlh Region NL)

Whose success has
already been accelerated

Take the first step today

Schedule a completely non-binding strategy call today. Share your challenges with me, and let’s see together—after mapping out your situation—if we can be of mutual benefit.
Or sign up for the Free Interactive Masterclass to get to know the simple steps of the S.U.C.C.E.SS. Strategy online and discover what’s holding you back from feeling effortlessly successful.