Business Success
Our S.O.O.T.H.E.-I.T. Alignment System keeps all segments in alignment for your workflow.
With 25 years of experience within the Geo Information and Communication Technology we align de left-brained part and people and the right-brained part and people within your business, so that we bridge the gap in between.
Our S.U.C.C.E.SS Strategy approaches business-issues from both perspectives to come together perfectly there where human behavior intersects with the technique. We help create a positive impact across departments and service areas through consultation, leadership programs and team trainings.

How Successful Businesses are Created
Ellen, founder of AlchemICT is driven in her work by three major ambitions:
- Motivate professionals make a meaningful contribution based on who they really are using their Inspiration Creativity and Talent,
- Make organizations work more effectively,
- Maximum use of the unprecedented possibilities of information provision using Information and Communication Technologies. Geo Information Technologies happens to be her specialty.
Taylor Made
Workshops Trainings and Programs

Aligning all segments in a business (big or small) wil make a business flourish executed by dedicated professionals working in flow.
If only just one segment is misaligned or missing the whole business system it will be unbalanced not fulfilling its full potential. Nor the individuals, nor the teams nor te departments of the organization are showing the best they can. Working frustrated and too hard for a long time causes the most passionate professionals to become quiet. Communication errors, stress, illnesses and burnouts add burdens to the boardroom, business and brand. Working in efficiently adds unnecessary expenses to the costs causing the purpose of businesses less profitable or for the non-profit sector less cost saving.
Working together to design and bespoke approach to make change work for you, your team and your business.
Based on the outcomes of an analysis using the S.U.C.C.E.SS Strategy a plan can be made easily to solve the misalignment and missing segments.
Individual Masterclasses can be part of the program to unleash their potential en to reconnect them with the work they do.
Executive Coaching

Executive coaching sessions are in a 1:1 format. These can be bi-weekly or monthly sessions with a range of development and growth topics to choose from.
Resilience in times of change

Using the SOOTHE-IT Alignment Approach we can find out your team’s current 'Success-State' with any changes occurring in your business. This can be done as
an individual, team or a leadership profile.
The insights provide immediate action points that will increase resilience and help make change happen effortlessly in a resourceful sustainable way.
Our Specialty
Geo Information Management

As a soft skilled GIS-expert specialized in change management we are able to bridge the gap between the business and the technique.
After 25 years of experience in Geo-ICT, we are convinced that Information, Communication and Technology is not the goal. IT is supposed to support the completion of professional missions. Missions are magically completed putting in human Inspiration, Creativity and Talents. Only that gets people moving!
Some of the benefits of working with us.
Some of the benefits of our workshops, training, and programs:
The team discover why they do, what they do. Then learn how to adapt and become behaviorally flexible enabling them to work effectively with different types of people.
Each member learns how to be in charge of their mind allowing them to make clear decisions and take action.
Learning how to achieve results by aligning as a team.
Building confidence to hold difficult conversations and provide feedback.
Understanding the success principles to becoming a high-performance team.
All our training can be adapted to become even more relevant to different types and levels of teams.
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